In the Shadow of the Moon Soundtrack

List of Songs
China Dance
Tony Tam
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Al Jourgensen, Kill the Noise
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Young Men Dead
The Black Angels
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The End of the World
Sharon Van Etten
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I'll Go Blind
The National Reserve
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Jonas Kaufman with WDR Rundfunk Orchestra
Wie Ein Schonar Fruhlingsmorgen
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Greg Millar
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Ahead of the Times
Sammy Burdson & John Charles Fiddy
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Everyone's Gone To The Moon
Jonathan King
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7 months ago
The only thing brighter than your smile is the fire in your eyes. Let's see where they both lead us. f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot
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Allen (GUEST)
a year ago
What is classical piece played at beginning of movie.
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5 years ago
Что за песня когда полицейские делали розыск и оринтиры
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5 years ago
Name of the song while digging the grave?
1 replies
Charles (GUEST)
2 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's The End of the World, by Sharon Van Etten. I was looking for it too.
5 years ago
What is the song played at the end of the movie
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5 years ago
whats the song the piano player is playing in the beginning of the movie???
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5 years ago
whats the song the piano player is playing in the beginning of the movie???? Someone please tell :<
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5 years ago
What is this song? I want to know too, not even shazam telling me :( Why is it not listed in soundtrack or credits?
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5 years ago
What is this song? I want to know too, not even shazam telling me :( Why is it not listed in soundtrack or credits?
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5 years ago
What is the name of the theme played by the professional piano player before he died?
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5 years ago
what is the name of the theme played by the professional piano player, before he died?
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