St. Elmo's Fire Soundtrack
List of Songs
Love Theme from St. Elmo's Fire - Instrumental
David Foster
First song, plays over the opening credits [0:47] Leslie talks to Wendy about Alec. [1:44] End credits song.
(Meet) The Flintstones
William Hanna, Joseph Barbera and Hoyt Curtin
Billy plays the theme song from the Flintstones on his saxophone.
St. Elmos Fire (Man In Motion)
John Parr
Kirby watches Dale bring a child to the hospital room Continues as the group arrives at St. Elmo's bar. [0:59] Kirby asks the hospital receptionist on the phone to make another emergency break duty for Dale. Alec makes an announcement. After the announcement, Alec and Leslie have an argument.
Into the Fire
Todd Smallwood
First song at St. Elmo's bar; Kevin talks to Jules about fearing Russia. Wendy talks to Jules about her problems losing weight. Alec confronts Billy at the men's room after losing the job.
Give Her a Little Drop More
Todd Smallwood
Second song at St. Elmo's bar; the group sings and dance along to this song. [1:43] The group passes St. Elmo's bar.
Aretha Franklin
Kevin sings along to this song and plays the bongos in his room before Kevin arrives.
David Foster
Jules and Wendy exit the store. Jules picks up Alec and Billy. [0:52] Billy goes back to his college to meet with his football friends.
Stressed Out (Close to the Edge)
Alec and Kevin leave the laundromat..
"The Four Seasons" - Spring Allegro
Antonio Vivaldi
Kevin helps Leslie cook dinner.
Shake Down
Billy Squier
Kirby asks Naomi why she doesn't ask him out for a date. She reveals to Kevin that she thought he was gay.
One Love
David Foster
Billy plays the sax at the Halloween party at St. Elmo's bar.
Saved My Life
Fee Waybill
Naomi tries to convince Kevin to give her money to have sex with her.
This Time It Was Really Right
Jon Anderson
Alec, Billy, and Howie go inside Wendy's car. Continues at Kirby's party at Mr. Kim's house.
You're Still Laughing
Fee Waybill
Billy is in Mr. Kim's bathtub with a girl before Mr. Kim walks into the room.
If I Turn You Away
Vikki Moss
Alec phones the hospital, he asks if Dale had been called for an emergency duty. Bruce goes out the party and talks to Wendy.
Young and Innocent
1h 28m
Kirby talk with Kevin about working part time at a law firm as they walk pass by St. Elmo's bar.
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6 months ago
What is the song playing in the bar at the end of the movie? The gang decides to not go in.
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