Happy Gilmore Soundtrack
Happy Gilmore Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Opening Sequence. The song plays once again at 01:27:20.
Happy scolds Terry, but later apologizes and pleads with her not to leave him. He then proceeds to sing a 1978 song from his apartment intercom system.
Happy wins a golf bet. He recognizes an opportunity to help his grandmother. The Motown instrumental can also be heard at 00:48:00.
Happy competes at the Waterbury Open, and celebrates with his young caddy.
After causing harm to a resident at his grandmother's retirement home, Happy quickly leaves and drives to a Pro Golf Tour event during a transitional scene.
After successfully making a putt, Happy confidently tosses his putter towards his caddy, Otto, and engages in trash talking with the TV audience. Doug Thompson requests a conversation with Virginia Venit.
During his date with Virginia, Happy takes her to a hockey rink and expresses his concern over a possible power failure.
Happy trains with Chubbs. The music plays again at 01:07:00.
Verne Lundquist speaks about Happy’s success on day one of The Tour Championship.
Happy imagines a happy place. Chubbs plays the piano during a dream sequence. He sings The Carpenters’ 1970 hit.
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What happened to Carl Weathers singing,, "we've only just begun"?
5 years ago
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