2023 91 Songs
Allen looks in the phone book and makes a call to a woman named Claire before hanging up. [1:37] Helen waits by the phone for her mystery caller. [1:51] Allen sits on the couch with Helen. He slowly moves his hand to Helen's lap.
Bill drives to the store. [1:27] Bill is driving at night as he makes a phone call for the address of Ronald Farbar,
Patrice Michaels Bedi, Amy Anderson, Kurt Hansen, Robert Heitzinger, St. Clement Concert Choir, Randall Swanson & St. Clement Concert Orchestra
The paramedics check on Andy's body. Joy is crying at the office.
Vlad drives Joy home. Joy thanks him for driving her home.
Vlad plays Joy's guitar and sings this song for Joy. Continues as they have sex.
Joy walks to class with a smile on her face while protesters yell at her.
Allan slow dances with Kristina at the bar. [1:53] Allen lies in bed with Kristina.
Joy arrives at Vlad's apartment with flowers. Vlad's wife answers the door and takes the flowers from Joy.
End credits song.
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