Wonder Soundtrack
List of Songs
The Stars and the Moon
Marcelo Zarvos
Auggie arrives at school. The kids stare at him. He pretends he's an astronaut.
Saints Among Us
Theodore Shapiro
Auggie hugs his mother.
Ravioli Instead of Sex
Jon Brion
Auggie and Jack Will hang out together.
We're Going To Be Friends
The White Stripes
Montage of Auggie and Jack Will being friends.
Hannah Hoberman
Flashback of Via's grandmother talking at the beach.
Me & My Mummy
Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers
Auggie walks to school in his Ghost Face costume.
Kellerman's Anthem
Dirty Dancing Company, Brian Saccente, Isabella Calthorpe, Nigel Williams & Richard Dempsey
Isabel and Via watch Dirty Dancing on TV.
Facebook Friends
Theodore Shapiro
Justin and Via kiss.
Come Bother Me
Marcelo Zarvos
1h 2m
Miranda narrates about her time at camp.
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town
Bruce Springsteen
1h 4m
Auggie and Summer go sledding. New Years festival.
Down the Hatch
Peter Vronsky
1h 21m
Via gives an emotional performance at the play.
Never Forget It
Leo Soul
1h 24m
Justin asks about Jack and Auggie's science project at the dinner table.
Break the Rules
Butterfly Boucher
1h 30m
During the school trip.
Blues for Bechet
Jaques Gauthe & The Creole Rice Jazz Band
1h 32m
Isabel and Nate exchange gifts at the dinner table.
Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead
The M-G-M Studio Chorus
1h 34m
Jack and Auggie leave the movie.
We’re Going To Be Friends
Caroline Pennell
1h 37m
Auggie and his friends stand by the lake. They watch the fireworks.
Light and Day / Reach for the Sun
Vancouver Children's Choir
1h 40m
Sung by the choir during graduation.
Moth's Wings
Passion Pit
1h 44m
Auggie receives his award of recognition. Plays into the end credits.
Brand New Eyes
Bea Miller
1h 47m
Second end credits song.
Natalie Merchant
1h 50m
Third end credits song.
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Dude (GUEST)
2 years ago
What is the song where the dog dies
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