Tower Soundtrack
Tower Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Opening scene where Claire and her boyfriend Tom leave class early at the University of Texas at Austin
Officer Mccoy is listening to country music on the radio.
Waterloo starts playing on the radio, Officer McCoy is throwing stones at the river.
Plays in Officer McCoy's car as he arrives at the shooting.
John Fox talks about his experience as a freshman at the university.
Aleck Hernandez is shot in the leg while delivering mail. Allen Crum rushs to Hernandez's aid and tries to cover up the wound.
John and his friend James Love checks out the shooting at the university.
John and James witness the shooting at the university.
Crum runs across the street and into the clocktower.
An officer runs directly to the clocktower.
The students gather around the courtyard after the shooting.
Claire talks about her adoptive son, Sirak, and her dreams of finding her baby.
Walter Cronkite talks about Charles Whitman on TV. Claire talks about why she revisited the incident.
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