2023 91 Songs
Opening dance number with Katie; Katie's dream is interrupted by Victor's guitar playing; [0:16] repeats as Katie sings in the shower while Victor steals her clothes; [1:13] Bev performs; Victor disconnects the Katie's ipod, forcing Katie to sing live; Luke exposes Bev's fake performance and Angela pushes Katie onstage; [1:21] End credits, song #1.
Mickey saves Luke from a bunch of students trying to give him demo CDs; continues as Luke asks Mickey about Bev.
Guy listens to Katie's CD while calling Gail; [1:18] Katie performs a second song at the showcase with Luke on guitar.
Katie performs a song for Gail.
Oral Majority auditions for Luke in the bathroom.
Luke plays a song for Mickey in the music room, as Katie and Angela watch from a recording booth.
Katie plays her new song for Angela; [0:39] repeats as Katie plays her song for Luke by the fountain; Katie finishes her song as Angela comes to warn her that Gail is leaving; [0:46] Luke listens to Katie's song while Mickey runs through the possibilities on the identity of her mystery girl.
Katie tells Victor to stop dancing on the furniture, as Angela joins her.
Luke ends up with another audition in the bathroom, this time with chainsaws; [1:09] repeats as Big Pain Ticket opens the showcase.
Angela vs Gail - dance battle.
Katie records a song at Gail's demand; Gail and Bev keep telling Katie she's not doing a good enough singing job; [0:] continues as Luke hears Katie's voice and tracks it to the recording booth where Bev is lip syncing.
Luke and Mickey enter a music room to check out potential mystery girl candidates.
One of the girls in the music room sings for Luke.
Bev has dinner with Luke as Katie plays Cyrano via text message.
Luke puts Bev's lyrics to music, as Katie watches via the Victor's video monitor.
Oral Majority performs Luke's song at the showcase; Gail sits next to Guy and ends up spilling a drink on him; Ravi and Victor head backstage.
Luke tells Katie his father wants him to produce her album.
Gail performs Katie's song on a livestock judging stage.
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Something about you makes the air crackle with anticipation. Let's see what ignites the spark. f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot
7 months ago
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