2023 91 Songs
Sam wakes up; [repeats 0:22, 0:33, 0:46].
Montage of the girls getting ready for Kent's party; [repeats 0:26, 0:41 - during the sleepover].
The girls arrive at the party; Kent says hi to Sam; Rob greets Sam with a kiss; [repeats 0:27].
First repeat of the girls going to school.
Montage of Sam repeating multiple more cycles.
Sam chases Juliet through the forest.
Sam kisses Kent and tells him she loves him; Sam meets Juliet at the door and tries to apologize to her; Kent briefly stops from Sam from following Juliet; Sam chases Juliet through the forest and saves her.
No trailer songs found.
What’s the first song that plays in trailer 2??
5 years ago
0 replies
The song played when the girls are gathered on the coatch before the fight scene
6 years ago
1 replies
Caribbean by Astro Good luck love
Landon (GUEST)
3 months ago
Curtir paks essa trilha sonora
8 years ago
0 replies
What's the song when she spends the day out with her little sister at 01:04:10 ?
8 years ago
1 replies
It's incidental music by Adam Taylor and it's called Before I Fall.
7 years ago
What's the title of the song played at the end with the cast n word flow
8 years ago
2 replies
La Roux "Let Me Down Gently" but it sounds like a remix.
8 years ago
W/O U by Gems
8 years ago
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