Golden Earring Songs
has 3 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Twilight Zone
End of Watch2012
Song at the wedding before Mike does his speech.
The Devil Made Me Do It
Radar Love
Cedar Rapids2011
Tim gets into a car with Bree and her friend. They pressure Tim to take methamphetamine while they drive to a party.
Wayne's World 21993
When driving the Mirthmobile to see Aerosmith
Baby Driver2017
Song that plays after Baby steals an old woman's car.
The Tender Bar2021
Moving to grandpa's house, Jr. and mom are in the car. They pause to visit Uncle Charlie.
Moonshine • s2e3 • Bitches, I've Now Gone Outlaw2021
Gale takes Lidia on a motorcycle ride, keeping the destination a surprise.
The Blacklist • s3e6 • Sir Crispin Crandall2013
The Director calls someone to secure Halmi's safety deposit box; montage of breaking into the bank and Red opening the safety deposit box.
Six Feet Under • s3e13 • I'm Sorry, I'm Lost2001
Nate picks a fight at the tavern.