Golden State Songs
has 6 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
All Roads Lead Home

Henry Poole Is Here2008
Henry surrenders in the water fight. He walks through the storm water drainage channels and remembers riding through them as a boy. He finds the message he wrote as a boy under the bridge.

Flashpoint • s2e11 • Perfect Storm2008
End of episode

Private Practice • s3e8 • Sins Of The Father2007
Addison delivers Margaret's baby; Charlotte tells Cooper that Evan lied about everything; Neil holds his daughter.

Gossip Girl • s5e24 • The Return Of The Ring2007
Blair ignores Serena; Chuck & Nate talk about Lola moving; Dan asks Rufus if he's heard from Lily; Lily reads on-line about Bart's return; repeats as Blair assigns Penelope to find all Serena's secrets; both Chuck & Dan see the new page posted from Blair's diary.
Love Song

Castle • s2e12 • A Rose For Everafter2009
Greg & Kyra are married.
This Time
The Static Between Us

Heartland • s3e8 • The Fix2007
Ty has taken Lily to the bus station to go to Vancouver. Jack and Lou are standing in Jack’s shop and Lou has organized it and divided it into half. One side for her, one for Jack. Ty is in his loft, Amy walks in. He shows a baby picture of himself to Amy.