Eartha Kitt Songs
has 11 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Proceed With Caution
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (From "Roberta")
Watchmen • s1e6 • This Extraordinary Being2019
William goes into the Cyclops headquarters, shoots everyone he comes across, then burns down the building.
Mink, Schmink
C'est Si Bon
Molly's Game2017
Molly holds a game at the 4 Seasons hotel.
The Wolf of Wall Street2013
Jordan is doing cocaine off of Naomi in the limo before his wife catches him.
Santa Baby
Buddy watches Jovie putting the lights on the Christmas tree.
The Sopranos • s3e10 • To Save Us All from Satan's Power1999
Bobby Baccalieri as Santa.
Pose • s1e3 • Giving and Receiving2018
Angel is dancing around to this song as she makes cookies and sets up the Christmas tree.
Watchmen • s1e2 • Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship2019
Flashback to Angela and Calvin dancing on Christmas Eve, until they're interrupted by the Seventh Calvary 'White Night' attack.
The O.C. • s1e13 • The Best Chrismukkah Ever2003
Song plays as at a Christmas party as Summer gives Seth his Christmas present (herself dressed as Wonder Woman) and Anna walks in.
Chantez-les bas (Sing 'em Low)
Je Cherche un Homme
C'Est Si Don
Santa Baby (with Henri René & His Orchestra)
Uska Dara
Uska Dara - A Turkish Tale
Kedi 2016
Aslan Parçasi looks at ththe fisherman by the docks.