Lissy Trullie Songs
has 4 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
You Bleed You
Arrow • s1e15 • Dodger2012
Oliver finds Thea trying to find the identity of her mugger, then starts telling her about his date with McKenna; Thea calls Laurel about her mugger, Roy Harper.
Ready For The Floor
Jennifer's Body2009
Second song during end credits.
Gossip Girl • s3e3 • The Lost Boys2007
People arrive for the Sotheby's auction.
Spit You Out
Gossip Girl • s5e22 • Raiders Of The Lost Art2007
Nate, Blair & Chuck arrive at the 'event' Diana had booked; Serena & Lola meet up with Nate; Chuck & Blair take a tour of the house.