Jay Malinowski Songs
has 3 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
There's A Light
One Tree Hill • s8e1 • Asleep At Heaven's Gate2003
Nathan & Haley cuddle in bed & she says she's feeling like herself again; Brooke & Julian lie in bed & talk about how lucky they are.
There's a Light
Heartland • s5e13 • Aftermath2007
Peter gives Lou a charm bracelet to congratulate her for n her promotion. Jack and Ty’s crashed motorcycles are returned. Ty is in the loft and Amy comes in and gets him to lie down. Amy walks to the loft door and closes it as Ghost runs away.
We've All Got To Be Going Somewhere
Rookie Blue • s2e13 • God's Good Grace2010
Noelle tells Frank she's pregnant; Gail watches as Andy leaves the station; Sam & Andy tell each other they've been suspended.