Shinyribs Songs
has 5 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Poor People's Store

Fargo • s5e8 • Blanket2014
This is the opening song.
East Tx Rust

Walker • s3e7 • Just Desserts2021
Montage of the Walker boys begin cooking their Thanksgiving dinner.
The Sacred & the Profane

Walker • s1e11 • Freedom2021
Geri arrives at Side Step with Hoyt; Hoyt attempts to talk Geri about their relationship; Hoyt is surprised with a party.
Sweeter Than the Scars

Walker • s1e17 • Dig2021
Stan as the DPS chair takes the official steps to make Walker's return the Rangers official.
Country Cool

Walker • s2e17 • Torn2021
Liam searches for his fathers' picnic basket when he notices Walker's change in attire.