Shawn Hlookoff Songs
has 3 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Be Myself

Greek • s1e17 • 47 Hours And 11 Minutes2007
Dale listens to music as his mom tries to talk to him.
Without You

The Hills • s3e24 • Girls Night Out2006
Heidi calls Spencer to come talk at Bolthouse.
She Could Be You

Kyle XY • s2e21 • Grey Matters2006
Kyle meets Sarah.

Kyle XY • s2e22 • Hello...2006
Kyle finds Jessi at the diner.

Kyle XY • s2e20 • Primary Colors2006
Kyle puts music on to relax; repeats as Adam asks Kyle to listen to the song again & as Kyle hears the subliminal message.

Kyle XY • s2e17 • Grounded2006
Taylor finds Jessi listening to Adam & Sara's song; repeats as Kyle plays Jessi's record while Amanda tells him what happened with her mom.