KC Booker Songs
has 4 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Gonna Make Me Blind
90210 • s4e3 • Greek Tragedy2008
Holly teases Naomi about her janitorial community service & not being in a sorority.
One On One
Shameless • s4e8 • Hope Springs Paternal2011
Lip is realizing that having Liam with him and caring for him is attracting women. He is working in the school cafeteria wearing a hair net doling out pancakes when an attractive coed gives him her number after asking about Liam. Meanwhile Fiona is cleaning up Deb's and Carl's bedrooms getting rid of anything that her parole officer would or could call a weapon or see as inappropriate. The scene flashes to Deb in her classroom raising her hand for what is obviously the 2nd or 3rd time asking permission to use the bathroom again which she claims is for "girl stuff". It chose her in the bathroom trying to figure out how to use a tampon which becomes an unsuccessful event as she wads up a bunch of toilet paper that she will use as a sanitary pad. Song ends.
Sweet Maribel
90210 • s4e6 • Benefit Of The Doubt2008
Annie confronts Bree about the escort job she set up.