Erik Satie Songs
has 9 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
3 Gymnopédies: No. 1, Lent et douloureux
Trois Gymnopedies
Gnossienne No. 1
Killing Eve • s1e1 • Nice Face2018
Villanelle plays dead as Konstantin enters her apartment.
The Originals • s5e5 • Don't It Just Break Your Heart2013
Elijah plays the piano as Antoinette tells him about the first time she fell in love with him.
Gnossienne No. 1 , Gnossienne n. 1
Altered Carbon • s1e5 • The Wrong Man2018
Kovacs drops by the Bancroft residence, where Miriam attempts to convince Kovacs into dropping Laurens' case.
Gnossiennes: No. 1, Lent
Gnossienne: No. 1
The Queen's Gambit • s1e2 • Exchanges2020
Alma is playing this song on the piano when Beth wakes and walks downstairs.
Gymnopedie No. 1
Saving Hope • s2e8 • Defriender2012
Shahir's patient hums a tune; repeats as Shahir plays the song for his patient; Gavin & Maggie make out in his office; the ambulance finally arrives at the convenience store.
90210 • s1e17 • Life's A Drag2008
Silver's screening starts.
90210 • s1e18 • Off The Rails2008
Silver's movie plays as Annie & Ethan meet up with Naomi in the media room.