Blackchords Songs
has 5 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Into the Unknown

Orange is the New Black • s2e7 • Comic Sans2013
Piper, Sister Ingalls and Freida watch as Jimmy is driven away; credits.

Teen Wolf • s3e16 • Illuminated2011
Scott comes up to Kira in the hall and she reveals her talent of conjuring fox shapes in photographs
Sinking Like Stone

Being Human • s2e7 • The Ties That Bind2009
Nora & Josh wake upu in a field together; continues as Josh walks away from Nora.
As Night Falls

Being Human • s4e9 • Too Far, Fast-Forward!2009
Sally jumps back to the future just in time to see Robbie's body being taken away; Sally remembers her time with Aidan; Josh asks Sally where she went.