
Gwyneth Paltrow Songs

has 6 songs in the following movies and TV shows.

Country Strong - Gwyneth Paltrow | Song Album Cover Artwork

Country Strong

heard in 1 movie
Country Strong

Country Strong2010

Kelly starts to sing in Dallas!


Country Strong

Country Strong2010

Kelly sings this song she making it up as she goes along, to Travis, the little boy with leukemia, til all are dancing in the class, including James, who ends up pulling away from Kelly one time too many....


Shake That Thing

heard in 1 movie
Country Strong

Country Strong2010

Second song sung by Kelly in Dallas in the sexy blue dress as Beau, Chiles and the stadium goes wild!


A Fighter - Gwyneth Paltrow | Song Album Cover Artwork

A Fighter

heard in 1 movie

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