Rhiannon Giddens Songs
has 4 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Amazing Grace (with Francesco Turrisi)

Manhunt • s1e1 • Pilot2024
Lincoln was a rail-splitter, Stanton informs the others, and he gives the workers the order to remove the casket from the home.
Little Margaret (with Francesco Turrisi)
God Shall Wipe All the Tears Away

Nashville • s5e1 • The Wayfaring Passenger2012
Hallie finds Juliette in the wreckage of the plane crash and sings to calm her down; Avery tells Scarlett and Gunnar that they found Juliette's plane; montage of people reacting to news of the plane crash.
Calling Me Home (with Francesco Turrisi)

After the bandit sets Tommy free, Mo retrieves the document and breaks down in tears. He sits on a rock, injured, clutching his bible, then dresses himself and walks away.