Mr Twin Sister Songs
has 8 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Holding My Breath
Veronica Mars2014
Ruby sings this at the karaoke bar.
Out of the Dark
Animals. • s1e3 • Animals2016
DJ H&M plays this song at the Swan party.
Bad Street
Animals. • s1e1 • Animals2016
Phil takes the blue pill which raises his confidence level and starts dancing at the dance floor when he bumps into a female rat.
Lady Daydream
Animals. • s1e1 • Animals2016
Phil has sex with Rebecca on the dance floor before dying from the rat poison Fink gave him earlier.
In the House of Yes
Animals. • s1e5 • Animals2016
Phil shows off his new pantsuit at a fashion show.
Main TItle Theme
Animals. • s2e2 • Pigeons.2016
Theme song for season 2.
Gene Ciampi
All Around and Away We Go
Veronica Mars2014
Fourth song as Ruby dances to a Bonnie single.