Stranger Things Season 1 Soundtrack
Stranger Things Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 The Vanishing Will Byers
S1:EP1 The Vanishing Will Byers
The kids are playing D&D in the basement
Will runs home after seeing something and falling off his bike.
Main theme song music for the show.
Hopper wakes up at home and is getting ready to go to work
The kids are biking to school
Nancy and Barb talk about Steve in the hallway
Hopper walks into the Hawkins Police Department and chats with his officers, then is informed of Will Byers being missing.
Agents meet with Dr. Brenner as they arrive at Hawkins Lab
Eleven sneaks into the diner to find some food.
The kids take a first look at the heathkit ham shack
Joyce visits Will at Castle Byers to show him the tikets for poltergeist
Benny's Diner: Benny makes burgers; sits down with Eleven to talk
Eleven makes the fan stop at the diner.
Hopper and the cops find Will's bike in the woods
Hopper is visiting the Byers to take a look around the house
Hopper tells the other cop to get a search party together
Mike and Lucas are talking about Will's disappearance on their walkie-talkies
Song Nancy is listening to as Steve sneaks into her room.
Song at the diner when they come to collect Eleven. She manages to escape.
It starts to rain when the kids are searching for Will
Joyce and Jonathan are sitting on the couch looking at photos
The kids find Eleven in the woods
The kids leave Mike's house after the D&D game.
S1:EP2 The Weirdo on Maple Street
S1:EP2 The Weirdo on Maple Street
Mike sees the tattoo of Eleven and asks her about her name
Hopper and Jonathan are talking about Lonnie at the Byer's house
Eleven tells Mike that bad people are looking for her; [42] Jonathan is making photos in the woods where Will's bike was found
Students are walking to Hawkins High.
Nancy and Jonathan are talking about Will in the school hallway; [50] Barb doesn't want Nancy to go upstairs at Steve's house
Mike shows Eleven round the house including the La-Z-Boy
Jonathan listens to music while starting his drive to Lonnie's place.
Jonathan hears this song in his car and it reminds him of Will; [0:47] repeats as Joyce finds the stereo playing in Will's room.
Joyce drives into town to buy a new phone.
Joyce asks her boss, Donald, for an advance on her paycheck.
The Hawkins Lab team search Joyce's house and shed.
Eleven recognizes Will on a photo in Mike's room; [40] Eleven shows the kids that Will is hiding from the Demogorgon using the D&D game board
Mike's mom is coming home what leads up to Mike hiding Eleven in the closet
Mike returns to Eleven hiding in his bedroom closet.
Hopper is arriving at Benny's Diner where he sees the corpse of Benny; [34] Mr. Clarke finds a piece of Eleven's hospital gown presuming a trace of Will
Jonathan parks outside Lonnie's house.
Jonathan shoves past Cynthia and searches the house for Lonnie.
Over the phone, Nancy and Barb make plans to sneak off to Steve's party.
Search for Will behind Benny's. Found torn piece of hospital gown at drain pipe.
The kids explain to Eleven what friendship is about
Nancy has Barb pull her car over, then Barb tries to convince her that the party is just Steve's attempt to have sex with her.
Steve opens his front door and lets the girls in.
Hopper waking at night, feels cursed. Eleven with upside down DnD board. Will is hiding from Demogorgon.
Jonathan looking for Will where his bike was found. Hears a scream and finds Barb, Nancy, Steve, etc.
Music by Tommy's pool party. Nancy chugs a beer.
Will tries to call Joyce from Upside Down
Barb trying to stop Nancy from going upstairs with Steve. Jonathan taking pictures. Barb sitting on the diving board with bleeding hand.
Final song as Nancy makes out with Steve and Barbara is taken by something. Plays into end credits.
S1:EP3 Holly, Jolly
S1:EP3 Holly, Jolly
First song as Nancy loses her virginity with Steve.
Karen talks to Nancy after she arrives home late
Joyce tells Jonathan that Will talks to her through the lamps
Mike tells Eleven to meet them at the power lines after school
Nancy and Steve are kissing in the school hallway
Eleven is bored, so goes upstairs and sits in the Lay-Z-boy.
Joyce puts up Christmas lights all around her house.
Joyce runs into town to buy more Christmas lights.
Hopper and his colleagues get a look at the security camera footage at Hawkins Lab
Hopper and his colleagues leave Hawkins Lab.
Eleven is going upstairs to take a look at Nancy's room
Eleven opens up a music box while exploring Nancy's room.
We return to Joyce and all of the Christmas lights have been put up; [39] Will is contacting Joyce through the Christmas Lights
Dr. Brenner is carrying Eleven out of the chamber after she killed the two lab workers
Nancy is looking for Barb around Steve's house
Hopper and Officer Powell leave the library after a call on the walkie talkie.
The kids and Eleven are at the Byer's house when they hear the sirens of the ambulance and chase after it
Hopper and the kids are driving to the quarry where they find the supposed corpse of Will
Final song as they make the discovery at the lake.
S1:EP4 The Body
S1:EP4 The Body
Opening of episode
Hopper tells Joyce that they found the supposed corpse of Will but she tells him that Will contacted her through the lights
Hopper tries to comfort Joyce because he thinks she's going crazy
First song after Chief Hopper informs Joyce of the discovery of Will's body.
Eleven and Mike hear singing over the walkie talkie.
Eleven channels Will with Mike's walk talkie and one can hear Will singing 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go'; [40] Will tries to escape from the upside down through the wall in the Byer's house while Eleven is channeling him through the heathkit
Mike and Eleven hear Will singing this song over the walkie talkies as Eleven is playing with it
Mike tells Lucas to come to his house with Dustin on the walkie talkie
The kids are preparing Eleven to go to school with her
The kids and Eleven are biking to school in order to bring her to the Heathkit ham shack
The guy that walked through the gate at Hawkins Lab gets killed by something in the upside down; [39] Flashback: Dr. Brenner wants Eleven to repeat the words an employee is reading aloud in another room
Nancy tells Jonathan about the thing that she saw in the woods behind Steve's house
Hopper buys O'Bannon a beer, then starts questioning him about his find at the quarry.
Joyce tries to call her son out while playing this song.
Eleven sets the heathkit on fire and Joyce destroys the wall in her house trying to save Will
S1:EP5 The Flea and the Acrobat
S1:EP5 The Flea and the Acrobat
Hopper sneaks into Hawkins Lab to look for Will
Lonnie wants Joyce to talk to someone because he doesn't believe her
The kids are talking about the upside down comparing it to the veil of shadows, Hopper finds the gate at Hawkins Lab while searching for Will
Instrumental music on the morning of Will's funeral.
Flashback: Joyce and Will are in the kitchen talking about Will the Wise (Will's drawing)
Hopper tears apart his trailer looking for listening devices.
Repairman inspects destroyed ham radio
Mr. Clarke is telling the kids about travelling dimensions by telling them the story of the flea and the acrobat
The song where Steve sings to Nancy.
Joyce and Lonnie are fighting about his actual intentions and that he only wants to get money for Will's case
The kids and Eleven are walking down the tracks to find the gate
Flashback: Eleven is entering the sensory deprivation tank at Hawkins Lab to find the russian spy
Mike and Lucas are arguing about Eleven sabotaging their mission to find the gate by screwing with their compasses
Eleven spies on Russian man
Lucas is upset because Eleven tossed him away and Eleven ran off
Jonathan and Nancy are searching for the deer that they found wounded in the woods after it was being pulled away by something
End credits song.
Nancy crawls though the tree entering the upside down where she finds the demogorgon
S1:EP6 The Monster
S1:EP6 The Monster
Jonathan pulls Nancy through the tree out of the upside down where she was chased by the demogorgon
Steve and his mates try to sneak in to Nancy's room.
Jonathan and Nancy are lying on her bed trying to get some sleep
Jonathan and Nancy are talking about the demogorgon and that he is a predator who can detect blood
Scott Clark receives a visit from a lady about creating an A/V club.
Karen opens Nancy's bedroom door to find music blaring and the room empty.
Flashback: Eleven enters the sensory deprivation tank again to find the demogorgon
Eleven wanders through a grocery store, receiving stares from the customers; Eleven grabs a bunch of Eggos and strolls out of the store.
Lucas is gearing up for the search for the gate
Mike and Dustin see that something happened at Bradley's Big Buy and assume it has something to do with Eleven
Terri's sister tells Joyce and Hopper and Terri's involvement in the MKUltra experiments and her miscarriage.
Nancy and Jonathan go to the store to get supplies to hunt the monster.
Nancy confronts Steve after he and his friends wrote 'Slut Nancy Wheeler' all over Hawkins Cinema
Steve and Jonathan fight in the alley until the police break them up.
Nancy brings Jonathan some ice at the police station
Mike and Dustin are in the woods and start running away as they are found by Troy and his friend
Eleven rescues Mike and Dustin from the bullies and breaks Troy's arm
Eleven tells Mike that she openend the gate and thinks that she's the monster but Mike tells her that she's not because she saved him
Employees of Hawkins Lab see Mike, Dustin and Eleven returning to Mike's house
S1:EP7 The Bathtub
S1:EP7 The Bathtub
Lucas informs the kids via walkie talkie that the people from Hawkins Lab know where Eleven is
MIke and Eleven are in the bathroom downstairs and Mike tells her that he thinks she's still pretty without the wig
Dr. Brenner and his team get into their vans and start chasing the kids
The kids escaped from the bad men and they apologize to each other for their earlier behaviour (Mike, Lucas and Eleven)
The bad men from Hawkins Lab are searching the Wheeler's house for clues to find Eleven and the kids
The kids are talking about Hawkins Lab and what it's about
Troy tells Hopper about this girl (Eleven) with very short hair and that she can do things
Steve is arguing with Tommy about Nancy because he calls him a slut and Steve is defending her and then drives away in his car
The children tell everyone about 'The Upside Down'; [30] The kids are filling the sensory deprivation pool with water and salt
Mr. Clarke tells Dustin on the phone how they can build a sensory deprivation tank
They are starting to build the sensory deprivation pool in the Hawkins Middle Scool gym
In the void, El finds Barb dead
Eleven finds Will at Castle Byers inside the black room
Nancy and Jonathan still want to kill the demogorgon while Hopper and Joyce go to Hawkins Lab
Will sings to himself as the monster comes closer.
S1:EP8 The Upside Down
S1:EP8 The Upside Down
Nancy and Jonathan set up the trap for the demogorgon at the Byer's house
Flashback Hopper tells his daughter Sarah to relax as she's having problems with her breathing
Hopper has a flashback to playing with Sarah in the park before she experienced a shortage of breath
Flashback to Hopper talking his daughter through calming her breathing.
Nancy, Jonathan and Steve are looking for the demogorgon at the Byer's house
Hopper and Joyce enter the Byer's house in the upside down. Jonathan, Nancy and Steve see the blinking lights in the house
Mike and Eleven are talking about his parents taking her in. Then he asks her to the snow ball and kisses her for the first time
The people from Hawkins Lab arrive at Hawkins Middle School and are searching for the kids and Eleven
Hopper and Joyce are still looking for the demogorgon and Will in the upside down
Dr. Brenner is holding Eleven and wants to take her back to Hawkins Lab while some other guys from Hawkins Lab are holding back the kids, [46] Song fades over from 'Kids' when Mike is staring at the cave that he built for Eleven in the basement
The demogorgon enters Hawkins Middle School from the upside down, [34] The demogorgon enters the class room
The kids bring Eleven into a class room and Mike promises to go to the snowball with her
Eleven kills the demogorgon and is gone afterwards
Music as they bring Will back to life in the Upside Down.
The kids are talking to Will at the hospital while Hopper is leaving with people from Hawkins Lab
The four kids are finally playing D&D together again in the basement
Nancy gives Jonathan a Christmas presents and kisses him on the cheek
Christmas time as Chief Hopper takes food into the woods to leave in a box.
The Byers family sits down for Christmas Eve dinner.