
It's Kind of a Funny Story Soundtrack

201034 songs235K views
It's Kind of a Funny Story 2010 - Movie Banner

List of Songs

Chameleon - Broken Social Scene Presents: Brendan Canning


First song as Craig walks along the bridge.

No Smiling Darkness / Snake Charmers Association - Broken Social Scene

No Smiling Darkness / Snake Charmers Association

Broken Social Scene


After Craig jumps off the bridge, he sits in his room before riding his bike to the hospital.

Weddings - Broken Social Scene


Craig goes through his problems as the doctor asks him to explain whats wrong with him.

Ambulance For The Ambience - Broken Social Scene

Ambulance For The Ambience

Broken Social Scene


After Craig is first admitted to the ward, he walks through the corridors staring at some of the patients.

Millionaire - Izza Kizza


Izza Kizza


Craig narrates about not affording a good lifestyle. He welcomes MTV into his massive house.

Lets Go Surfing - The Drums

Lets Go Surfing

The Drums


Craig talks about schools in New York. He goes through the schools for Science Geeks, Thespians and Do-Gooders.

Smash It Up - The Damned

Smash It Up

The Damned


Craig talks about being accepted into the five Burroughs. Shows three of the smartest kids sitting in the library.

Happy Today - The WoWz

Happy Today

The WoWz


Craig tells his friends he was accepted. He watches on as Nia flirt punches Aaron, his best friend.

Tourist In Your Town - Pink Mountaintops

Tourist In Your Town

Pink Mountaintops


Craig calls Nia from the mental ward. Nia tells Craig that she also she's a therapist. This song is playing in her room.

Icarus - White Hinterland


Noelle and Craig talk for the first time and play the question game. Craig takes an eyelash from her and they race to arts and crafts. AND Craig imagines a paper world in his 'messed up mind'.

Intro - The xx


The xx


Craig traces maps of imaginary places at the age of 5. He paints a city in arts and crafts and everyone praises him.

The Breaks - Kurtis Blow

The Breaks

Kurtis Blow


Playing at Aaron's house while Craig talks to him on the phone.

2-4-6-8 Motorway - The Tom Robinson Band

2-4-6-8 Motorway

The Tom Robinson Band


Craig tells us about Aaron and how great he is at everything.


Craig describes to the therapist how he used to feel. He describes a day at Cony island at the age of 10 when he felt good.

Where You Go - Elden Calder

Where You Go

Elden Calder


After Craig says theres something bigger going on. He walks down the corridor with Bobby. Bobby is eating an ice cream as they discuss the points.


Bobby tells Craig about the time Solomon did 100 tabs of Acid in one night.

Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie

Under Pressure

Queen and David Bowie


Craig is forced to sing this song and he imagines singing the song live on stage with all the other patients.

The Ills - Mayer Hawthorne

1h 1m

Craig talks to Nia on the phone. Nia calls him Cool Craig and she asks him if there's any cute girls in there.

Da Rockwilder - Method Man

Da Rockwilder

Method Man

1h 2m

Bobby takes Craig for a walk through the hospital as they pretend to be Doctors. They play basketball together.

Where Is My Mind - Maxence Cyrin

Where Is My Mind

Maxence Cyrin

1h 14m

After Craig tells Nia he loves her. Noelle hears him and throws her self portrait at him. Craig tries to apologize at her door.

It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

Bob Dylan

1h 22m

Craig quotes this song after Bobby tells him. "If your not busy being born, you're busy dying".

Blood - The Middle East

1h 23m

Craig plays doctor with Noelle. They sneak into the hospital in scrubs and run around the hospital.

It's Alright - Black Sabbath

It's Alright

Black Sabbath

1h 25m

Noelle kisses Craig on the cheek after she asks him to see Vampire Weekend with her. Craig narrates and they kiss on the rooftop.

Cold Heat - Lil' Lavair and the Fabulous Jades

1h 27m

First song at the pizza party when Aaron brings Craig some records.

We Have Each Other - Kenny Smith

We Have Each Other

Kenny Smith

1h 28m

Second song at the pizza party that plays in the background while Craig talks to Bobby in his room.

Little Denise - Check Me Out - Little Denise

Little Denise - Check Me Out

Little Denise

1h 30m

Third song at the Pizza party. Craig walks in and hands some records to Smitty.

Habina - Rachid Taha

1h 31m

Smitty plays the song on the record player that Craig gives him. Muqtada comes out and starts dancing to the indian music.

Be (Intro) - Common, JV, Kanye West & Malik Yusef

1h 34m

Craig talks about the types of activities he is looking forward too at the end of the movie.

Major Label Debut - Broken Social Scene

Major Label Debut

Broken Social Scene

1h 35m

First song during the end credits.

Not At My Best

Broken Social Scene

1h 37m

Second song during the end credits.

Busy Shoppers

Len Stevens

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Don't Forget Your Torch

Jon Durnie Brooks

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Murderous Assault

Harry Lubin

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Lost in the Galaxy - Harry Lubin

Lost in the Galaxy

Harry Lubin

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C'mon, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Get the ball rolling and be the first.

Movie Info


Broken Social Scene

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