House at the End of the Street Soundtrack
House at the End of the Street Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
First song as Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) and Sarah cook dinner in their new house.
Song at the BBQ as Elissa and Sarah are introduced to the neighbourhood.
Tyler takes Elissa to her house, first song at his party.
Second song at the party at Tyler\'s house. Tyler tries to get with Elissa on the bed.
Song playing in Ryan\'s car when he picks Elissa up in the rain.
Elissa sings this out back with her keyboard.
Ryan drops Elissa and Jillian home after school. This song plays in his car.
Elissa and Ryan make out on the couch. His sister can hear them downstairs.
Song at the cafe as the attendent brings Ryan a free piece of cake.
Song playing at the school, Ryan comes to see Elissa.
Song during end credits.
Trailer Songs
Trailer Songs
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